written by Faraj I. Omar
Once the plane lands at Larnaca International Airport, you do not feel that you have traveled too far from the warm hospitality and generosity that characterize the Mediterranean peoples.
Cypriots will meet you with a smile and kindness and they would love to help anyone that requests it. Their appearance does not differ much from that of the Arabs and you often think that the person opposite you is Syrian or Lebanese.
I believe that the geographical location of Cyprus is the reason for the similarities between Cypriots and the population of these countries. Cyprus is at a distance of 150 kilometers only from Syria, and a half hour by plane from Larnaca to Beirut.
Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean Basin with an area of 9,251 sq. km, has acquired a historic importance because of its privileged geographic location. Most flourishing civilizations sought to conquer and dominate the island being a link between the West and the East.
Cyprus gained a special importance to the Arabs since ancient times because of its geographic location. When Muawiya Bin Abi Sufyan thought of securing the borders of the Islamic state, he asked the permission of Omar Bin al-Khattab to cross the sea to Cyprus, but his request was refused and didn’t materialize until the time of Osman Bin Affan, in 648 AD.
Later, when the Cypriot people founded "EOKA" ,the liberation organization against British colonialism, the first to lend them help was the late leader Jamal Abdel Nasser, who provided them with arms. Abdel Nasser was a staunch supporter of the Cyprus cause and this strong relationship between the two peoples went on until the “ Sebai” events during the presidency of Al Sadat when these relations went through a tensed period.
Libya's role in support of the Cyprus problem
Shortly following the September revolution in Libya, led by Colonel Muammar Al Gathafi, Dr. Vassos Lyssarides, founder of the Socialist Party in Cyprus and one of the prominent members of the Cyprus liberation movement, visited Libya and met the leadership of the revolution. Libya’s support to the just rights of the Cypriots was stressed during that visit and these ties were tightened even more following the historic visit by the late President Archbishop Makarios to Tripoli on November 13th, 1973. That visit had a good impact on the further development of the relations between the two countries and Makarios granted Libya the role of attending and caring for the Mosques in Cyprus and the religious affairs of the Muslims in the island. In fact, Libya holds this task to this date, whereas the World Islamic Call Society provides the Imams for the mosques and is concerned with the religious affairs of the Muslims living in Cyprus. Libya played also an important role in supporting Makarios’ government and his associates during the events of the Coup on July 15th , 1974, where the " Libyan Embassy “ at that time, currently " Libyan People's Bureau " offered protection to Dr. Vassos Lyssarides who sought refuge in it, as well as to Dr. HadjiDimitreou, one of the members of the Socialist Party and to other members of the Socialist Party. The Libyan Embassy provided also protection to both the then Cypriot Defense Minister " Veniamin" and to the chief of the Intelligence service, the late George Tombazos . Libya covered also Makarios trip from Paphos to London on July 16th , 1974 and from there to the United States of America.
As a result of the Coup and the Turkish occupation in 1974 ,the Cyprus economy had to face many problems . In the context of its support to the Cypriot people, Libya opened its market to the Cypriot products with no restriction and absorbed many Cypriots workers who had suffered losses as a result of the war and the occupation. The trade exchange between Libya and Cyprus reached a very high level at that time and Libya became Cyprus second largest trade partner after the United Kingdom. During the post-revolution period in Libya, a number of Cypriot companies and know-how undertook many projects for the construction of roads and housing units and Libyan students were sent to Cyprus to study and train in various educational institutions.
Cyprus and Libya are tied with strong bonds that are based on mutual respect. The Cypriot people considers Libya as one of the few countries that helped them in time of war and the Libyans look at Cyprus as a close friend and as the most safe country for investment and tourism.
Cypriots will meet you with a smile and kindness and they would love to help anyone that requests it. Their appearance does not differ much from that of the Arabs and you often think that the person opposite you is Syrian or Lebanese.
I believe that the geographical location of Cyprus is the reason for the similarities between Cypriots and the population of these countries. Cyprus is at a distance of 150 kilometers only from Syria, and a half hour by plane from Larnaca to Beirut.
Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean Basin with an area of 9,251 sq. km, has acquired a historic importance because of its privileged geographic location. Most flourishing civilizations sought to conquer and dominate the island being a link between the West and the East.
Cyprus gained a special importance to the Arabs since ancient times because of its geographic location. When Muawiya Bin Abi Sufyan thought of securing the borders of the Islamic state, he asked the permission of Omar Bin al-Khattab to cross the sea to Cyprus, but his request was refused and didn’t materialize until the time of Osman Bin Affan, in 648 AD.
Later, when the Cypriot people founded "EOKA" ,the liberation organization against British colonialism, the first to lend them help was the late leader Jamal Abdel Nasser, who provided them with arms. Abdel Nasser was a staunch supporter of the Cyprus cause and this strong relationship between the two peoples went on until the “ Sebai” events during the presidency of Al Sadat when these relations went through a tensed period.
Libya's role in support of the Cyprus problem
Shortly following the September revolution in Libya, led by Colonel Muammar Al Gathafi, Dr. Vassos Lyssarides, founder of the Socialist Party in Cyprus and one of the prominent members of the Cyprus liberation movement, visited Libya and met the leadership of the revolution. Libya’s support to the just rights of the Cypriots was stressed during that visit and these ties were tightened even more following the historic visit by the late President Archbishop Makarios to Tripoli on November 13th, 1973. That visit had a good impact on the further development of the relations between the two countries and Makarios granted Libya the role of attending and caring for the Mosques in Cyprus and the religious affairs of the Muslims in the island. In fact, Libya holds this task to this date, whereas the World Islamic Call Society provides the Imams for the mosques and is concerned with the religious affairs of the Muslims living in Cyprus. Libya played also an important role in supporting Makarios’ government and his associates during the events of the Coup on July 15th , 1974, where the " Libyan Embassy “ at that time, currently " Libyan People's Bureau " offered protection to Dr. Vassos Lyssarides who sought refuge in it, as well as to Dr. HadjiDimitreou, one of the members of the Socialist Party and to other members of the Socialist Party. The Libyan Embassy provided also protection to both the then Cypriot Defense Minister " Veniamin" and to the chief of the Intelligence service, the late George Tombazos . Libya covered also Makarios trip from Paphos to London on July 16th , 1974 and from there to the United States of America.
As a result of the Coup and the Turkish occupation in 1974 ,the Cyprus economy had to face many problems . In the context of its support to the Cypriot people, Libya opened its market to the Cypriot products with no restriction and absorbed many Cypriots workers who had suffered losses as a result of the war and the occupation. The trade exchange between Libya and Cyprus reached a very high level at that time and Libya became Cyprus second largest trade partner after the United Kingdom. During the post-revolution period in Libya, a number of Cypriot companies and know-how undertook many projects for the construction of roads and housing units and Libyan students were sent to Cyprus to study and train in various educational institutions.
Cyprus and Libya are tied with strong bonds that are based on mutual respect. The Cypriot people considers Libya as one of the few countries that helped them in time of war and the Libyans look at Cyprus as a close friend and as the most safe country for investment and tourism.